• Office - Mon-FRI 9:00 - 4.30
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Tell us a little about Men Alive Chatswood?
The Men Alive group in Chatswood has been meeting in our parish for approximately three years. Men Alive was founded in 2003 by Robert Falzon and Peter Shakhovskoy and a small group of laymen.

Since its beginnings, Men Alive has run over 450 events in 26 dioceses throughout Australia and New Zealand for over 25,000 men.

In Chatswood, the group have had weekend retreats and private masses at the parish and now meet fortnightly to reflect on scripture and discuss gutsy topics as a group.

Most members also read and share daily scripture to develop their relationships with Jesus and each other.


What do you enjoy the most about Men Alive?
Fellowship, sharing, being ourselves, supportive, like minded, chivalry, enriching our faith and openness to the Holy Spirit.

How do the actions of Men Alive speak about the love of Jesus?
Reading daily scripture allows us to become closer to Jesus. We learn about him and he guides us in our daily lives. We support each other and the church.

Do you have a favourite memory or experience in the group?
Private masses are intimate and meaningful followed by a meal and drinks. The Men Alive weekend retreats are enjoyable and rewarding as is Reconciliation at our retreats.

What are you passionate about?
Daily prayer, fellowship with other men, supporting the parish priests, being active in the parish through church ministry, love of Mary.

If you could ask Jesus to change one issue in the world today, which would it be?
For more men to be authentic and active men of faith.

Being part of Men Alive has made a difference in OUR LIVES and the lives of others because…
We have learnt from each other and from scripture to further develop our relationships with God. We feel supported through our difficult times and helps us deal with contemporary issues.

Men Alive has changed our way of thinking to put God first and turn to him in times of difficulty.

How can parishioners get involved?
The group meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 7pm in the parish meeting rooms.

For more details, please contact David by calling 0401 560 693 or emailing davidsunjaya@hotmail.com