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Justice, Ecology & Peace

Introducing Justice, Ecology & Peace

To learn more about our Justice, Ecology & Peace Ministry contact Gail Gill by emailing gail.gill@bbcatholic.org.au

5th Plenary Council on Integral Ecology

During July 2022, the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia passed Decree 8: Integral Ecology and Conversion for the Sake of Our Common Home.

The Council said that ecological conversion is “both personal and communal”, and that there was “urgent need for action” from Catholic entities through the development of, or alignment with, Laudato Si’ Action Plans inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical letter.

Click here to read the Council’s Decree.

Click here to watch a video presentation by Gail Gill, introducing Ecological Conversion.

The Laudato Si’ Action Platform

Caring for our brothers and sisters means caring for the home we share.

This responsibility is “essential to a life of virtue” (LS 217).

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a space for institutions, communities, and families to learn and grow together as we journey towards full sustainability in the holistic spirit of integral ecology. You are warmly invited to join this community.

Your unique “culture, experience, involvements, and talents” are needed on our journey towards greater love for our Creator, each other, and the home we share. (LS 14)

To learn more visit laudatosiactionplatform.org

Towards a Parish Action Plan

Laudato Si’ Plans are envisioned to encompass to run over a period of seven years following a commonly used process of detailed annual planning and review that flows into subsequent years.

Ideally, the goals from the Laudato Si’ Action Platform would be integrated into existing or future parish pastoral plans to avoid parallel planning processes.

Click here to read our draft framework “Towards a Parish Action Plan”.

Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor

The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement 2021-22: Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, affirms that “we human beings need a change of heart, mind, and behaviour”.

It exhorts us all to care for creation and the most vulnerable people in our worldwide human family.

Click here to read the Statement.