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Faith Formation

Upcoming Courses

I AM Jesus
Jesus said…

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.”

John 14:6

Over four weeks, through movie clips and discussion, we’ll be taken back 2,000 years to the dusty roads of Galilee, to meet Jesus and discover who He really was on earth.

We’ll imagine ourselves standing there, at the edge of the crowds listening and watching – what impresses me? what confuses me? how would I have responded?

Exploring His birth, messages and miracles, we will come to better know Jesus, taking away lessons to apply in lives.

I AM Jesus is for anyone, all ages and backgrounds, interested in learning more about Jesus with no pre-requisites or obligations.

Course dates
I AM Jesus runs for four weeks, starting on Thursday 8 June at 7pm in the Magnificant Room (96 Kirk Street).

More information
For further information about I AM Jesus, email Brendan at brendan@churchinthecity.com.au

Exploring the Faith 2023-2024
Have you ever thought: Why is the Old Testament so important to our Faith? What really is the Good News? How can we be so confident in the Resurrection? Why do we need prayer? What takes place when we receive the Sacraments? How do we fit in the universal Church?

Exploring the Faith is a 30 week course that explores these questions and more, commencing Wednesday 9 August 2023 (7.15pm – 9.00pm) through to Wednesday 15 May 2024 at Our Lady of Dolours Parish, St Peter’s meeting room.

There are no prerequisites or obligations to joining.

Course booklet and schedule
Click here to read the course booklet

Click here to read the course outline

For further information
For further information/registration, please contact Anthony on 0414 364 522 or email exploringthefaith@gmail.com